The pediatric wards set up in Hospitals are places of high importance for providing safe and effective multi disciplinary pediatric care for children.
Particularly, the pediatric ward is highly essential in developing Cities as there are lots of very young children requiring need and attention in Terms of hygienic Food, Healthcare. Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital has the important Ward in its premises for taking care with around 250 beds for The Future of our Country.
In order to wipe away, the negative things happened to them at an early stage (mainly due to health issues) the Mental Health has to be Strong and Vibrant. Chandrans Yuva Foundation in order to cater the kids towards that vibrant drive took initiative with the help of Various College Students in Coimbatore, Transgenders, Painted the Wards Walls with lots and lots of vibrant colors.
Over 60+ Students participated in this initiative and nearly 50 Litres of Paint was used to completely fill the pediatrics ward.
Thanks to the Dean, Doctors, Nurses, Admin and Supporting Staffs, and The Ever Bright Children for their valuable Support.