Baking Training for Differently Able and Transgenders There has been a strong belief in our world that physically challenged people can do only certain works and can cultivate only limited talent. But in Chandrans Yuva Foundation we don’t consider this as a disability, but we identify as a different ability that has helped them to develop skills in that particular field.
In Chandrans Yuva Foundation, all the small things we accomplish are planned for a larger scope for the benefit of the beneficiaries. The differently able people and transgenders associated with our foundation are being trained in actual Bakery Setups , where they are t a u g h t t o m a k e p a s t r i e s , fi n i s h e d b a k e r y products,chocolates etc.
Baking is considered as a professional occupation which is prevalent widely throughout the world. The business and occupational market of the Bakery industry is always in the rise and with proper knowledge and guidance in the field will make a long way in the future.
Chandrans Yuva Foundation propels them into the competitive world with proper guidance and assists them with training workshops by industry experts frequently.