Author: Chandrans Yuva


Education brings self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, leadership, team-work among children and prevents them from social embarrassment, child labor. They become self-confident and good decision maker.

With the sole purpose of improving awareness and facilities of Children education in today’s society, Chandrans Yuva Foundation setup a Christmas completely made out of Books. The setup was constructed in the premises of Shopping Malls in order to encourage the awareness of need of children education who are in the poverty and below poverty learn where, even if they go to schools, do have the proper facilities to achieve their dreams.

Nearly 25,000 books where used to construct the Christmas trees and later after the Birth of New Year, the book were provided to the needy children in Coimbatore through orphanages and government controlled schools.


Chandrans Yuva Foundation has always believed Entrepreneurship Thrive among Students is very much necessary to lead our society from the front. We come up with motivational and awareness speeches regarding the same among College going Students. At such gatherings in PSG College of Arts and Science, Our Team had created awareness among the students about the opportunities which are available in their career and highlighted the importance of Technology in making the necessary applications to develop the skills.

The Ultimate goal of Chandrans Yuva Foundation is to develop Entrepreneurship, with respect to all sections of the society. Even the Skill Development workshops which are organized in the Foundation premises focus on the Same Goal.

The Program also had an overwhelming response from the College with the ideas and application available now, ignited the entrepreneurial mind set even in the Professional Career of how Technology will be helping them to
carry out the same.


Chandrans Yuva Foundation, laid its foundation and inaugurated Sunday Yuva Club in this event, which started with a set of 50 School Students.

Everyone likes to spend their time useful, the only way time is spent is by making use of it doing something productive. With the creativity and talent the Children possess, they can be easily scaled up to different heights by molding their talent now.’Sunday Yuva Club’ focuses exactly on the same.

AT the Oxyzone Event, for the School children, Sunday Yuva Club conducted an extensive workshop on the Topic Environment by providing hands-on practice in making Seed Balls. The Seed Bombs which were made by the Children on that week’s edition of Sunday Yuva Club, the kids were allowed to take the seed balls which they made to create growing plants and trees awareness at their homes.

The Event also had the exhibit of the Disgenderable, the Outlet of the Physically Challenged people who are venturing in the field in the Baking under Chandrans Yuva Foundation


Varnajalam, is an Art & Skills Event and Competition conducted by Suryan FM for students. Here Chandrans Yuva Foundation participated with the ‘Yuva Club’.

Yuva Club is the Individual Social Responsibility Wing of Chandrans Yuva Foundation which takes initiatives in bringing up Society and Social Responsibility among people. With the inauguration done for Sunday Yuva Club, the Yuva Club encouraged the involvement of School and College Students by imparting knowledge of the activities and programs which Chandrans Yuva Foundation has been motivated in its journey and how
to take part in those initiatives.

With the Sunday Yuva Club’s introduction, many students were eager to learn something new and directly impact our Society with their knowledge.

This event at Hindustan College showed lots of volunteering enrollment from the students for the Individual Social Responsibility Club and as well as the Sunday Yuva Club.

The Only two things Students and Young Generation have to spend at Chandrans Yuva Foundation is Time and Dedication, for which they get in return of Knowledge to lead the Society/World from the front.


Skills do not confine to one place, it certainly does not confine to one country too. With the skills and talent development done in-house Chandrans Yuva Foundation is heard by people across continents, they definitely do experience it. In the month of November, the Director of Glasgow University, Scotland along with his group of professors and students visited the Chandran’ Yuva Foundation premises to know more about the practices and methods followed by Differently abled people making designs and producing different types of Jewellery.

The visit also led to a healthy collaboration of our Differently abled people showcasing their practices and also combined efforts of making Jewellery in the style of Students from Glasgow University. The student taught designs and methods to the differently abled in their pace.

This was conducted and organised under the banner of activities of Chandrans Yuva Foundation and a M.O.U was signed to facilitate exchange of practices and training for people. The Glasgow University people pointed out and was delighted that differently abled people have started from nowhere in their career and have reached glorious heights now in terms of skills.


With the expansion of Chandrans Yuva Foundation in other cities to benefit the needy and the differently abled people, it laid its foundation in Madurai with an inauguration function. The program was interrelated between several 54 schools’ correspondents and principals together.

Chandrans Yuva Foundation inaugurated their Madurai Region Division with a detailed and elaborate video based on the activities and programmers conducted by Chandrans Yuva Foundation in the past years. The Madurai Regional Director Mrs. Jaya took the proceedings forward with the schools.

The event was a grand success and Chandrans Yuva Foundation was received well by the people and the beneficiaries in Madurai.

Many of the school officials became members of Chandrans Yuva Foundation as Individual Socially Responsible Members along with the hand prints placed on the Tree of Life.


Chandrans Yuva Foundation always believes that the platform provided for the differently able people and the underprivileged must be higher. So with the skills and talents developed to those people in order to make them much more successful in their lives, we decided to give them worldwide recognition.

For the attempt at the Guinness Record for the World’s Largest Jute Bag 9 Visually Challenged people who had received hands-on training and practice under Chandrans Yuva Foundation spent 5 hours to make it. With the Go Green initiative going global and very much needed at this point of hour where global warming and environmental pollution is having a spike, this effort to make the World’s Largest Jute Bag.

The Jute Bag stitched had dimensions of 66 Feet in Height and 33 Feet in Width without handle. and when measured with the handle it measured at 77 Feet in Height and 33 Ft in width. The Bag was stitched by the Visually Challenged people in the presence of Guinness Records officials approval to make the attempt and in the presence of Textile Designing and engineering students and Yuva Club Volunteers along with a team of Transgenders who offered their support for the event.


Independence day, on the day we remember the people who struggled for our freedom, there are people who struggle due to various problems in their lives spent in prisons. In order to provide them with proper awareness and guidance, several workshops which train them in self employment skills.

On account of August 15th, Chandrans Yuva Foundation decided to Plant 500 Tree Saplings in the Central Prison of Coimbatore under its Go Green Grow Green Initiative. The initiative was organized and executed by Yuva Club Volunteers.

The initiative was conducted by the support of the Prison Superintendent of Police Krishnaraaj, SWD In charge Mrs. Dharani and police officials. The initiative encouraged the prisoners to participate in an engaging event and awareness was imparted to grow the tree saplings in a good condition.

The initiative was a joint implementation along with the Indian Oil Company CSR Wing and the Head persons from the esteemed company were also available during the initiative.

Chandran’s Yuva: A Virtuous Cause


Located on the outskirts of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, a 3 storey building serves as the main ‘headquarters’ of the Chandran’s Yuva Foundation. Founded 3 years ago, the foundation has grown both in spirit and members. Now consisting of 8-10 blind people, 6 transgender people and several mentally disabled citizens, the foundation first ignited when now-founder of Chandran’s Yuva (C Sivanesan) decided to start this righteous cause, and tag along his friend and now-Chairperson/CEO S. Shasikala in the journey of ‘giving back to the community’. Their vision stemmed from their shared desire, “ To make the world ideal for everyone by extending the basic needs for a being – food, clothing, shelter, education and healthcare”.

Starting from there, the 2 founders began reaching out across Coimbatore, trying to find out minorities that have turned to begging on the streets. This proved to be a difficult task, as many were wary at first at this ‘to-good-to-be-true job offer’ and were suspicious. However, many wanted a better future so they gladly accepted the invitation. Between 2 years within the foundation, these people overcame the odds and are now interacting with others without stress or fear. The foundation, along with many volunteers with kind hearts who helped immensely by contributing their valuable services and executing various initiatives, has come a long way from where they started. Featured in many articles and already hosted several renowned personalities, Chandran’s Yuva foundation has truly grown over the years. They have now hosted many initiatives, such as ‘Food 4 Needy’, ‘Invisible Kaleidoscope’, ‘Wagon of care’, ‘Disgenderable’ etc.

Today, Chandran’s Yuva foundation has been able to provide skill development training to for people which in turn positively impacts on the lives of their families for their development. Their initiatives have started reaching new heights and reach more people effectively on the basis of both skill development and society welfare. For example, the Disgenderable initiative helps make it possible for specially skilled people and women to become empowered in order for them to support their family. The backbone of Chandran’s Yuva foundation is their ISR, Individual Social Responsibility, which calls to every citizen to give back to the community. Several events in the past showcases appreciation of Yuva by society and Yuva’s involvement in events around Coimbatore: Women’s day celebration in women’s prison, donations to government schools, installation of ‘mother cubicles’, hosting of marathons, visits to SSVM and introducing a Yuva club, celebrating Christmas with elderly, opening a free clothes store and many more! Their vision and mission both strongly link to providing the basic needs for every human being – food, clothing, shelter, education and healthcare. With a rightful purpose and committed members, the Chandran’s Yuva foundation has grown immensely through the years and made life-altering changes for good to countless destitutes across Coimbatore, and will continue to do so.

If you wish to support this noble cause, visit their site, or get in touch with them with the number or email provided in the site (99762 22222/ Only 100 Rs is required to make you a lifetime member of Chandrans Yuva, but however small the amount is, it can make drastic changes in their lives. Support this empowering movement and be rewarded in a good conscience and the mentality that you have contributed to help a virtuous purpose.


– Srivishnu Ramachandran



Bishop Appasamy College, a esteemed college in Coimbatore conducted a Fashion Designing Designer Contest on July 23rd, 2019 in its campus premises. They had invited the Chairperson from Chandrans Yuva Foundation as the chief guest for the event. Yuva Club which has been running the college and had participated in the contest which exhibited the designs which were provided and trained for the Visually Challenged people.

The contest was channeled towards the ways of awareness and imparting the importance of encouraging entrepreneurship spirits within the students by the Yuva Club students who have already been focused in the activities under the Umbrella of Invisible Kaleidoscope in Chandrans Yuva Foundation.