Chandrans Yuva Foundation always believes that the platform provided for the differently able people and the underprivileged must be higher. So with the skills and talents developed to those people in order to make them much more successful in their lives, we decided to give them worldwide recognition.
For the attempt at the Guinness Record for the World’s Largest Jute Bag 9 Visually Challenged people who had received hands-on training and practice under Chandrans Yuva Foundation spent 5 hours to make it. With the Go Green initiative going global and very much needed at this point of hour where global warming and environmental pollution is having a spike, this effort to make the World’s Largest Jute Bag.
The Jute Bag stitched had dimensions of 66 Feet in Height and 33 Feet in Width without handle. and when measured with the handle it measured at 77 Feet in Height and 33 Ft in width. The Bag was stitched by the Visually Challenged people in the presence of Guinness Records officials approval to make the attempt and in the presence of Textile Designing and engineering students and Yuva Club Volunteers along with a team of Transgenders who offered their support for the event.